Paperback, 192pp, 9x6ins
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The scarce is an incidence of damage which riskily ups the stakes on offer, that is, takes up the stakes (deliberately tree-like) to redeploy a less than holistic circuit (broken givens) in a field of more than the whole. A scarcity of relation doesn't effectively bask in the shuttle of detached plenitudes opaquely speculative of the world — where a meaning does occur it does so as gift and event, and so as unconditional but slighted. —from the Preface to this volume
"Larkin brings before us his singular gaze-tracks, a golden strand in silver mist. I might liken his transfinite writing to a swing without visible support, or some codex falling up. Dazzling insights on a fragrant carpet, our bio-holography, sun and moon, tree to tree.
Graceful human pressure on an ontological / noumenological sweet spot; it is as if he came to this intimacy utterly prepared; a superb work!"—Lissa Wolsak
"For Larkin, landscape is not so much a thing as a process, a kind of prosody marked by opening (which the prose poem enacts through clearings of verse) and by colonizing, to a rhythm not necessarily human. It is a process whose articulations colonize the poet-forester's abandoned grammars.” —Jonathan Skinner
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