Shearsman magazine back issues

for the best in contemporary poetry

Shearsman 139 & 140 (April 2024)

Poetry by Rizwan Akhtar, Isobel Armstrong, Jack Barron, Leia K. Bradley, Tom Cowin, Claire Crowther, Katy Evans-Bush, Mark Fiddes, Giles Goodland, Sylee Gore, Ellen Harrold, Jill Jones, Norman Jope, Karin Lessing, Bernadette McCarthy, Katherine Meehan, David Miller, Sophia Nugent-Siegal, Joseph Nutman, Anne Pelletier-Topping, Janet Sutherland, Helen Tookey, Jay-Philippe Vibert, Margaret Ann Wadleigh, Mark Ward & Alex Wong.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 139 and 140

Shearsman 137 & 138 (October 2023)

Poetry by Serena Alagappan, Wendy Allen, Mark Byers, Elizabeth Chadwick Pywell, Peter Dukes, David Dumouriez, Marie-Louise Eyres, Dominic Fisher, Mark Goodwin, Amlanjyoti Goswami, John Greening, Finn Haunch, Neal Hoskins, Maria Jastrzębska, Fiona Larkin, Peter Larkin, Rupert M Loydell, Valeria Melchioretto, Eliza O’Toole, John Phillips, Amber Rollinson, D’or Seifer, Natalie Shaw, Robert Sheppard and Judi Sutherland; plus translations of Kjell Espmark (by Robin Fulton Macpherson), Attila József (by Ágnes Lehóczky & Adam Piette), Lutz Seiler (by Stefan Tobler), and Roelof Ten Napel (by Judith Wilkinson).

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 137 and 138

Shearsman 135 & 136 (April 2023)

Poetry by Martin Anderson, Nóra Blascsók, Melissa Buckheit, Stuart Cooke, Carrie Etter, Amy Evans Bauer, Alec Finlay, Amlanjyoti Goswami, Daniel Hinds, Emily Tristan Jones, Norman Jope, Kenny Knight, Mary Leader, Rob Mackenzie, James McLaughlin, Eliza O'Toole, Michelle Penn, Sophia Nugent-Siegal, Peter Robinson, Jaime Robles, Maurice Scully, Aidan Semmens, Nathan Shepherdson, Maria Stasiak, Cole Swensen, G.C. Waldrep, Carl Walsh and Petra White, plus translations of Anna Akhmatova (by Stephen Capus) and of Mercè Rodoreda (by Rebecca Simpson).

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 135 and 136

Shearsman 133 & 134 (October 2022)

Poetry by Gordon Alexander, Lisa Blackwell, Cecile Bol, Ken Bolton, Jessica Bundschuh, Geraldine Clarkson, Angelina D’Roza, Lucy Hamilton, Denis Harnedy, Finn Haunch, Jill Jones, L. Kiew, Edward Lee, Hannah Linden, Tim MacGabhann, Aonghas Macneacail, David Miller, Eliza O’Toole, Rochelle Owens, Peter Riley, Lucy Maxwell Scott, Lucy Sheerman, Penelope Shuttle, Andrew Taylor and Tamar Yoseloff, plus translations of Chen Xianfa (by Martyn Crucefix & Nancy Feng Liang), Dorien De Wit (by Judith Wilkinson) and Ulrike Almut Sandig (by Karen Leeder).

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 133 and 134

Shearsman 131 & 132 (April 2022)

Poetry by Tim Allen, Kate Ashton, Isobel Armstrong, Carmen Bugan, Jonathan Catherall, Wendy Clayton, Tom Cowin, Claire Crowther, Julian Dobson, Katy Evans-Bush, Amlanjyoti Goswami, Lynne Hjelmgaard, Penny Hope, Eluned Jones, Fiona Larkin, Mary Leader, DS Maolalai, James McGonigal, James McLaughlin, Deborah Moffatt, Mark Russell, Tim Scott, Robert Sheppard, Rufus Talks, Rimas Uzgiris, Ann Vickery, Margaret Ann Wadleigh, Polly Walshe, Fiona Wilson, Elżbieta Wójcik-Leese; and translations of Max Jacob (by Ian Seed), Denis Rigal (by David Banks) and Mário de Sá-Carneiro (by Chris Daniels).

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 131 and 132

Shearsman 129 & 130 (October 2021)

Poetry by Tomi Adegbayibi, Ken Bolton and Peter Bakowski, Daragh Breen, Belinda Cooke, Stuart Cooke, Gareth Culshaw, Carrie Etter, Gerrie Fellows, Maria Jastrzebska, Kenny Knight, Rosanna Licari, Fran Lock, Julie Maclean, Fokinna McDonnell, John Muckle, Simon Perchik, Kerry Pries, Peter Robinson, Paul Rossiter, Simon Smith, Maria Stadnicka, Janet Sutherland, Lydia Unsworth, and Cliff Yates, plus translations of Cecilie Løveid (by Agnes Scott Langeland), Gérard de Nerval (by Ian Brinton & Michael Grant) and Ivan Štrpka (by James Sutherland Smith).

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 129 and 130

Shearsman 127 & 128 (April 2021)

Poetry by Charlotte Baldwin, Linda Black, Melissa Buckheit , Charlotte Baldwin, Susan Connolly, Harriet Cooper-Smithson, Claire Crowther, Amy Crutchfield, Jane Frank, Amlanjyoti Goswami, Christopher Gutkind, Mandy Haggith, Jeremy Hooker, David Johnson, Norman Jope, L Kiew, Peter Larkin, Mary Leader, Carola Luther , Robin Fulton Macpherson, Olivia McCannon, Peter Robinson, David Rushmer, Maurice Scully, Aidan Semmens, Lucy Sheerman, Hannah Cooper Smithson, Agnieszka Studzińska, Scott Thurston, Anannya Uberoi, John Welch, Petra White, Tamar Yoseloff & translations of Marta Agudo (by Lawrence Schimel), Kjell Espmark (by Robin Fulton Macpherson), Kinga Tóth (by Annie Rutherford) & Virgil (by David Hadbawnik). With this issue, Shearsman magazine marks 40 years of publication.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 127 and 128

Shearsman 125 & 126 (October 2020)

Poetry by Kate Ashton, Richard Berengarten, Guy Birchard, Daragh Breen, Susie Campbell, Makyla Curtis, Jodie Dalgleish, Giles Goodland, Mark Goodwin, Lucy Hamilton, Kit Hanafin, Jill Jones, John Levy, Julie Maclean, Andrea Moorhead, Diane Mulholland, Luke Palmer, Alexandria Peary, John Phillips, Hannah Star Rogers, Paul Rossiter, Jaya Savige, David Sergeant, Simon Smith, Tupa Snyder, Maria Stasiak, Janet Sutherland, Helen Tookey, Denni Turp, Nadira Wallace, Sarah Watkinson, Charles Wilkinson, Judith Willson, Elżbieta Wójcik-Leese, and translations of Sylvie Marie (from Flemish) by Richard Berengarten.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 125 and 126

Shearsman 123 & 124 (April 2020)

Poetry by Martin Anderson, Isobel Armstrong, Sarah Barnsley, James Bell, Katherine Collins, Jennifer K. Dick, Mark Dickinson, Carrie Etter, Amlanjyoti Goswami, Ralph Hawkins, Chris Holdaway, Gad Hollander, Andrew Jordan, Lisa Kelly, Mary Leader, Rosanna Licari, Abegail Morley Simon Perchik, Meghan Purvis, Peter Robinson, David Rushmer, Nathan Shepherdson, Jennifer Spector, Matthew Stoppard, Jasmine Dreame Wagner, G.C. Waldrep, plus translations of Ivano Fermini, Vaiva Grainytė & Kęstutis Navakas, Víctor Manuel Mendiola, and Celia Parra by Timothy Adès, Ian Seed, Rimas Uzgiris, and Patrick Loughnane, respectively. 

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 123 and 124

Shearsman 121 & 122 (October 2019)

Poetry by Clark Allison, Annemarie Austin, Benjamin Balint, Miranda Lynn Barnes, Alison Brackenbury, Rachael Clyne, Andrew Duncan, Chris Emery, Gerrie Fellows, Adam Flint, Mark Goodwin, Lucy Hamilton, Jeri Onitskansky, Alasdair Paterson, John Phillips, Paul Rossiter, Alexandra Sashe, Kate Schmitt, John Seed, Robert Sheppard, Maria Stadnicka, Andrew Taylor, James Turner, Rimas Uzgiris, Rushika Wick, Tamar Yoseloff; & translations of Greta Ambrazaitė & Toon Tellegen by Rimas Uzgiris & Judith Wilkinson respectively.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 121 and 122

Shearsman 119 & 120 (April 2019)

Poetry by Michael Aiken, Jonathan Catherall, Claire Crowther, Cathy Dreyer, Kerry Featherstone, Amlanjyoti Goswami, Norman Jope, Peter Larkin, Mary Leader, John Levy, Jazmine Linklater, Julie MacLean, Ruth McIlroy, James McLaughlin, DS Maolalaí, Valeria Melchioretto, Diane Mulholland, Luke Palmer, Yogesh Patel, Simon Perchik, Peter Robinson, David Rushmer, Aiden Semmens, Vik Shirley, Gerry Stewart, Louise Tondeur and Petra White, plus translations of Dmitry Kedrin & Maximilian Voloshin by Alex Cigale.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 119 and 120

Shearsman 117 & 118 (October 2018)

Poetry by Martin Anderson, James Bell, Guy Birchard, Susie Campbell, Martin Corless-Smith, Cathy Dreyer, Carrie Etter, Khaled Hakim, Ralph Hawkins, Jill Jones, Julie Mellor, Drew Milne, Lance Nizami, Gillian Kidd Osborne, Natasha Sajé, Hilda Sheehan, Lucy Sheerman, Robert Sheppard, Janet Sutherland, Barbara Tomash and Tamar Yoseloff, plus translations of three Lithuanian poets by Rimas Uzgiris: Giedrė Kazlauskaitė, Judita Vaičiūnaitė & Indrė Valantinaitė. 

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 117 and 118

Shearsman 115 & 116 (April 2018)

Poetry by Michael Aiken, Geraldine Clarkson, James Coghill, Adam Flint, Robin Fulton Macpherson, Mark Goodwin, Harry Guest, Tania Hershman, Jeremy Hooker, juli Jana, Eluned Jones, Norman Jope, Kenny Knight, Rosanna Licari, Julie Maclean, Caroline Maldonado, Jennie Osborne, Mark Weiss, Mark Russell, Alexandra Sashe, Ian Seed, Vik Shirley, Mark Weiss, and translations of Du Fu into Scots and English (from the Chinese) by Brian Holton.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 115 and 116

Shearsman 113 & 114 (October 2017)

Poetry by Martin Anderson, Daragh Breen, Carmen Bugan, Susie Campbell, Chloe Carnezi, Rachael Clyne, Cathy Dreyer, Steve Ely, Liam Ferney, Eiffel Gao, Lucy Hamilton, Ho Cheung Lee, John Levy, Julie Maclean, John Phillips, Claire Potter, David Rushmer & Helen Tookey. Plus translations of Philippe Jaccottet by Ian Brinton, of Osip Mandelstam by Alistair Noon, of Naka Taro by Andrew Houwen & Nihei Chikaku, and of Virgil by David Hadbawnik.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 113 and 114

Shearsman 111 & 112 (April 2017)

Poetry by Dennis Barone, James Bell, Marianne Burton, Makyla Curtis, Mark Dickinson, Khaled Hakim, Caroline Hawkridge, Julie Irigaray, Sarah James, Peter Larkin, John Levy, Rosanna Licari, Ann Matthews, David Miller, Kate Miller, Michelle Penn, Frances Presley, Dikra Ridha, Colin Campbell Robinson, Peter Robinson, Julie Sampson, Alexandra Sashe, Nathan Shepherdson, Jennifer Spector, Steve Spence, Elżbieta Wójcik-Leese & translations of Masayo Gôshi (from Japanese, by the author), of Szymon Slomczyński (from Polish, by Elżbieta Wójcik-Leese) and of Menno Wigman (from Dutch, by Judith Wilkinson).

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 111 and 112

Shearsman 109 & 110 (October 2016)

Poetry by Agatha Abu Shehab, Isobel Armstrong, Michael Ayres, Ken Bolton, sean burn, Sarah Cave, Stuart Cooke, Tom Cowin, Claire Crowther, Cathy Dreyer, Carrie Etter, Michael Farrell, Robin Fulton Macpherson, Valentino Gianuzzi, Mark Goodwin, Mark Harris, Maria Jastrzebska, Eluned Jones, Jill Jones, Julie Maclean, Sheila Mannix, Alasdair Paterson, Simon Perchik, Ian Seed, Hilda Sheehan, Lucy Sheerman, Rachel Sills, James Sutherland-Smith, Jon Thompson; plus translations of Mercedes Cebrían (from Spanish, by Terence Dooley), Kjell Espmark (from Swedish, by Robin Fulton Macpherson) and Mario Martín Gijón (from Spanish, by Terence Dooley).

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 109 and 110

Shearsman 107 & 108 (April 2016)

Poetry by Liz Adams, Clark Allison, Annabel Banks, Joey Connolly, Susan Connolly, Makyla Curtis, Adam Day, Adam Flint, Harry Guest, Lucy Hamilton, juli Jana, Norman Jope, Linda Kemp, Kenny Knight, Clare Nashar, Alasdair Paterson, Simon Perchik, Sabiyha Rasheed, Yvonne Reddick, Peter Riley, David Rushmer, Alexandra Sashe, Matthew Stoppard & Alan Wall; plus translations of Günter Eich (from German, by Ken Cockburn), Marie-Luise Kaschnitz (from German, by Harry Guest) and of Eduardo Moga (from Spanish, by Terence Dooley).

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 107 and 108

Shearsman 105 & 106 (October 2015)

Poetry by Juana Adcock, Astrid Alben, Carmen Bugan, Claire Crowther, Ian Davidson, Mark Dickinson, Clayton Eshleman, Gerrie Fellows, Samir Guglani, Lucy Hamilton, Lee Harwood, Dorothy Lehane, David Miller, Helen Moore, Sabiyha Rasheed, Peter Riley, Jaime Robles, Ian Seed, Aidan Semmens, Lucy Sheerman, Donna Stonecipher, Janet Sutherland, Philip Terry, Helen Tookey, Elzbieta Wójcik-Leese, Amy Wright and Tamar Yoseloff, and translations of Philippe Jaccottet by Ian Brinton, Osip Mandelstam by Alistair Noon, Winétt de Rokha by J. Mark Smith and Marina Tsvetaeva by Angela Livingstone.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 105 and 106

Shearsman 103 & 104 (April 2015)

Poetry by Tim Allen, sean burn, James Byrne, Michelle Cahill, Geraldine Clarkson, Martin Crucefix, Laura Elliott, Michael Farrell, Keri Finlayson, Kiran Millwood Hargrave, Tania Hershman, Sarah James, Rupert M Loydell, James McLaughlin, Kate Miller, Simon Perchik, John Phillips, Alexandra Sashe, Robert Sheppard, Zoë Skoulding, Simon Smith, Andrew Taylor & translations of María do Cebreiro (by Neil Anderson), Jordi Doce (by Lawrence Schimel), Esther Jansma (by Andrew Houwen), Olga Orozco (by Peter Boyle), Francis Ponge (by Ian Brinton) and Virgil (by David Hadbawnik).

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 103 and 104

Shearsman 101 & 102 (October 2014)

Poetry by Isobel Armstrong, Paula Bohince, Peter Boyle, M.T.C. Cronin, Anamaría Crowe Serrano, Ray DiPalma, Tim Dooley, Michael Farrell, Damian Furniss, Mark Goodwin, Anne Gorrick, Jeremy Hooker, juli Jana, Norman Jope, Kent MacCarter, Julie Maclean, Alasdair Paterson, Peter Robinson, Lucy Sheerman, Nathan Shepherdson, Scott Thurston, Cristina Viti, Heidi Williamson, Valerie R. Witte and translations of Ulrike Almut Sandig (by Karen Leeder) and María do Cebreiro (by Neil Anderson).

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 101 and 102

Shearsman 99 & 100 (April 2014)

Poetry by Gabrielle Alioth, Martin Anderson, James Bell, Linda Black, Rosie Breese, Geraldine Clarkson, Ken Cockburn & Alec Finlay, Claire Crowther, Makyla Curtis, Harry Guest, Gary Hotham, David Kennedy, Peter Larkin, Mary Leader, Yann Lovelock, Becka Mara McKay, Christopher Middleton, Helen Moore, Sonia Overall, Simon Perchik, Peter Riley, Alexandra Sashe, Hilda Sheehan & Elzbieta Wójciek-Leese, plus translations of Gastón Baquero by Peter Boyle, of Ivano Fermini by Ian Seed, and of Gonca Özmen by George Messo.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 99 and 100

Shearsman 97 & 98 (October 2013)

Guest editor: Kelvin Corcoran. Poetry by Theodoros Chiotis and Sophie Mayer, Patricia Debney, Carrie Etter, Charlotte Faber, Kim Goldberg, Graham Hardie, Michael Haslam, Ralph Hawkins, Jeremy Hooker, Alex Houen, Peter Hughes, John James, Maria Jastrzebska, Kelly Malone, Marion McCready, Maureen McLane, George Messo, Alistair Noon, Kat Peddie, Marthe Reed, Denise Riley, Antony Rowland, Aidan Semmens, Lucy Sheerman, Simon Smith, Donna Stonecipher, Nathan Thompson, John Welch and Elzbieta Wójcik-Leese, plus translations of Gëzim Hajdari by Cristina Viti.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 97 and 98

Shearsman 95 & 96 (April 2013)

Poetry by Isobel Armstrong, Tom Bamford, Geraldine Clarkson, M.A. Coghill, Susan Connolly, Jen Crawford, Anamaría Crowe Serrano, Alison Fraser, Anne Gorrick, David Greenslade, Harry Guest, Ben Hickman, Lynne Hjelmgaard, Gary Hotham, Norman Jope, Nina Karacosta, John Latta, Maitreyabandhu, David Miller, Paul O'Prey, Sonia Overall, Simon Perril, Sam Sampson, Alexandra Sashe, Siriol Troup, Tamar Yoseloff plus translations of Sylvia Geist by Catherine Hales.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 95 and 96

Shearsman 93 & 94 (October 2012)

Poetry by Kate Ashton, Linda Black, Susie Campbell, Geraldine Clarkson, Claire Crowther, Mark Dickinson, Ray DiPalma, Mark Goodwin, Harry Guest, Charles Hadfield, Lucy Hamilton, Mary Leader, Edward Mackay, Julie Maclean, James Mclaughlin, John Mateer, Alice Miller, Sharon Morris, Sean Reynolds, Peter Robinson, Robert Saxton, Andrew Sclater, Ian Seed, Aidan Semmens, Simon Smith, Cristina Viti, Corey Wakeling and G.C. Waldrep, plus translations of Yves Bonnefoy by Ian Brinton & Michael Grant, of José Kozer by Peter Boyle and of Marina Tsvetaeva by Christopher Whyte.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 93 and 94

Shearsman 91 & 92 (April 2012)

Poetry by Amanda Ackerman, James Bell, Melissa Buckheit, Jen Campbell, Martyn Crucefix, Patricia Debney, Nikolai Duffy, Carrie Etter, Catherine Hales, Fiona Hile, Lynne Hjelmgaard, Gary Hotham, juli Jana, Paula Koneazny, Karen Lepri, Rob A. Mackenzie, Ian McEwen, James McLaughlin, James Midgley, Camilla Nelson, Jennie Osborne, Linda Russo, Sam Sampson, Alexandra Sashe, Nathan Shepherdson, Steven Toussaint, Robert Vas Dias, Steven Waling, Charles Wilkinson, Nicholas YB Wong, plus translations of Baudelaire by Jan Owen.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 91 and 92

Shearsman 89 & 90 (October 2011)

Poetry by Tim Allen, Linda Black, Andy Brown, Marianne Burton, Anthony Caleshu, Rachel Gippetti, Mark Goodwin, Gerard Greenway, Ross Hair, Lucy Hamilton, Brian Henry, Mary Leader, Rupert M. Loydell, James McLaughlin, George Messo, Tara Rebele, Elizabeth Robinson, Jaime Robles, Robert Saxton, Gavin Selerie, Zoë Skoulding, Steve Spence and Janet Sutherland; prose by Tom Lowenstein, David Miller and Johan de Wit; & translations of Yvan Goll by Nan Watkins, Chantal Maillard by Anamaría Crowe Serrano, Christine Marendon by Ken Cockburn and Hyam Yared by Richard Berengarten.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 89 and 90

Shearsman 87 & 88 (April 2011)

This 30th anniversary issue contains poetry by Sean Burn, Susan Connolly, Ray DiPalma, Gareth Durasow, Amy Evans, Anne Gorrick, Penny Harter, philip kuhn, John Mateer, Christopher Middleton, Toby Olson, Simon Perchik, Peter Robinson, Aidan Semmens, Nathaniel Tarn, Jon Thompson, Nathan Thompson, Rosmarie Waldrop and Alan Wall; prose by Martin Anderson; & translations of Juan Antonio González-Iglesias (by Curtis Bauer), of Paol Keineg (by Rosmarie Waldrop), and of Lisa Turcotte (by Andrea Moorhead).

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 87 and 88

Shearsman 85 & 86 (October 2010)

Poetry by Astrid Alben, Linda Black, Melissa Buckheit, Claire Crowther, Michael Farrell, Clive Faust, Angela Gardner, Giles Goodland, Mark Goodwin, Lucy Hamilton, Peter Larkin, Mary Leader, Tom Lowenstein, Richard Owens, Frances Presley, Carlyle Reedy, Peter Riley, Ian Seed, Zoë Skouldin and, Janet Sutherland. Also translations of Tadeusz Dabrowski (by Antonia Lloyd-Jones), Osip Mandelstam (by Alistair Noon), Gonca Özmen (by George Messo) and a selection of Austrian Poets (by Donald Malcolm & Wolfgang Görtschacher).

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 85 and 86

Shearsman 83 & 84 (April 2010)

Poetry by Kate Ashton, Paul Batchelor, James Bell, James Berger, Richard Berengarten, Peter Boyle, Marianne Burton, Susan Connolly, Martyn Crucefix, Carrie Etter, Janice Fixter, Kit Fryatt, Mónica Gomery, Ralph Hawkins, Rachel Lehrman, Rachel McCarthy, Valeria Melchioretto, Nathan Shepherdson, Tupa Snyder, Craig Watson, Tamar Yoseloff. Also: an essay by Douglas Messerli, plus translations of Swantje Lichtenstein (by Kevin Perryman), of Gertrud Kolmar (by phlip kuhn & ruth von zimmermann), of Jorge Palma (by Peter Boyle) and of Ziba Karbassi (by Stephen Watts, with the author).

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 83 and 84

Shearsman 81 & 82 (October 2009)

Poetry by Isobel Armstrong, Linda Black, Chris Brownsword, Anamaría Crowe Serrano, Mark Dickinson, Ray DiPalma, Sally Flint, Damian Furniss, Mark Goodwin, David H W Grubb, Lucy Hamilton, Lee Harwood, Sarah Hopkins, Kenny Knight, Mary Leader, Richard Makin, Deborah Meadows, Christopher Middleton, Elizabeth Treadwell, George Ttoouli, JL Williams; & translations of Elsa Cross by Michael Smith & Luis Ingelmo, of Günter Eich by Siriol Troup, of Niels Hav by P. K. Brask & Patrick Friesen, and of Elsa Morante by Cristina Viti.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 81 and 82

Shearsman 79 & 80 (April 2009)

Poetry by Michael Ayres, K.C. Clapham, Kelvin Corcoran, Sarah-Anne Cox, Jen Crawford, Catherine Hales, Lynne Hjelmgaard, Norman Jope, Helen Lopez, Alasdair Paterson, Nick Potamitis, Anna Reckin, Peter Robinson, Robert Saxton, Steve Spence, Nathan Thompson, Stefan Tobler, Alan Wall, and Tony Williams. Translations of poetry by Melih Cevdet Anday & Özdemir Asaf by George Messo; Norbert Hummelt & Hendrik Jackson by Catherine Hales; Óscar Curieses by Valentino Gianuzzi; Antônio Moura by Stefan Tobler, & Edoardo Sanguineti by Ian Seed.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 79 and 80

Shearsman 77 & 78 (October 2008)

Poetry by Astrid Alben, James Bell, Linda Black, Susan Connolly, Claire Crowther, Carrie Etter, Gareth Farmer, Keri Finlayson, Janice Fixter, Mark Goodwin, Lucy Hamilton, Carolyn Hart, Sarah Howe, Jane Joritz-Nakagawa, Peter Larkin, Peter Makin, Christopher Middleton, Richard Owens, Matías Serra Bradford and Scott Thurston. Plus translations of Ilhan Berk and Birhan Keskin by George Messo; of Rita Dahl by the author; of F. van Dixhoorn by Astrid Alben, and of Daniel Muxica by Romina Freschi & Deborah Meadows.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 77 and 78

Shearsman 75 & 76 (April 2008)

Poetry by Susan Connolly, Peter Dent, Ray DiPalma, Anne Gorrick, David Greenslade, Harry Guest, Lee Harwood, Lynne Hjelmgaard, Tom Lowenstein, D.S. Marriott, Alasdair Paterson, Julie Sampson, Nathan Shepherdson, Robert Sheppard, C.K. Stead, Janet Sutherland, Nathaniel Tarn, Mark Terrill, Carolyn van Langenberg and Robert Vas Dias, plus translations of Elsa Cross and David Huerta by John Oliver Simon, of Dieter Gräf by Andrew Shields and of Leticia Luna by Toshiya Kamei.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 75 and 76

Shearsman 73 & 74 (October 2007)

Poetry by Susana Araújo, Paul Batchelor, Linda Black, Andy Brown, Claire Crowther, Carrie Etter, Patricia Farrell, Feargal Gaynor, Mark Goodwin, Catherine Hales, Ralph Hawkins, Luisa A. Igloria, David Kennedy, philip kuhn, Rachel Lehrman, Tony Lopez, Rupert M. Loydell, Jill Magi, Sophie Mayer, George Messo, Mary Michaels, Robert Saxton and Janet Sutherland. Plus translations of Anna Glazova by Anna Khasin, Anna Hoffmann & Gottfried Benn by Catherine Hales, David Huerta by Mark Schafer, and Romina Freschi by herself.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 73 and 74

Shearsman 71 & 72 (April 2007)

Poetry by C.J. Allen, James Bell, Peter Carpenter, Richard Deming, Nicole Devarenne, Tamara Fulcher, Lucy Hamilton, Peter Hughes, Maryrose Larkin, Simon Marsh, Chris McCabe, Kate Schmitt, Aidan Semmens, Tupa Snyder, Nathan Thompson, Carolyn van Langenberg. Plus prose by Dennis Barone and translations of Chus Pato by Erín Moure, Krisztina Tóth by Kevin Nolan, and Sara Uribe by Toshiya Kamei.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 71 and 72

Shearsman 69 & 70 (October 2006)

Poetry by Paul Batchelor, Linda Black, Richard Burns, Kelvin Corcoran, M.T.C. Cronin, Mark Goodwin, Anthony Hawley, Matthew Jarvis, rob mclennan, Valeria Melchioretto, Mary Michaels, John Phillips, Anna Reckin, Elizabeth Robinson, Peter Robinson, Geoffrey Squires, Sasha Steensen, Janet Sutherland. Plus translations of Pura López-Colomé by Jason Stumpf, and an essay on Roy Fisher by Peter Makin.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 69 and 70

Shearsman 67 & 68 (April 2006)

Poetry by Anne Blonstein, Tilla Brading, Richard Burns, C.P. Crowther, Carrie Etter, Devin Johnston, philip kuhn, John Levy, Peter Makin, Deborah Meadows, Christopher Middleton, David Miller, Gregory O'Brien, Sam Sampson, Robert Saxton, Robert Sheppard, Zoë Skoulding, Sandra Tappenden, Carolyn van Langenberg. Plus translations of Constantin Abaluta by Gregory O'Brien & Jan Mysjkin, Rolf-Dieter Brinkmann by Harry Guest, Rolf Haufs by Harry Guest, & Yu Xuanji by Estill Pollock

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 67 and 68

Shearsman 65 & 66 (October 2005)

Poetry by Arlene Ang, Louis Armand, Isobel Armstrong, James Bell, David Berridge, Chris Brownsword, Anamaría Crowe Serrano, Carrie Etter, Harry Guest, Chris McCabe, Anna Moschovakis, Edward Mycue, Simon Perril, Rochaelle Ratner, Rob Stanton, Scott Thurston, Elizabeth Treadwell, Carolyn van Langenberg and Craig Watson. Plus translations of Ilhan Berk by George Messo, José Kozer by Mark Weiss, César Vallejo by Michael Smith & Valentino Gianuzzi and Boris Poplavsky by Belinda Cooke & Richard McKane.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 65 and 66

Shearsman 63 & 64 (April 2005)

Poetry by Giles Goodland, Gad Hollander, Philip Jenkins, Gordon Kennedy, Sarah Law, Rupert M. Loydell, Frances Presley, Sam Sampson, Lisa Samuels, Robert Saxton, John Seed and Spencer Selby. Plus translations of Gastón Baquero by Mark Weiss, Alberto Blanco by Joan Lindgren and Anja Utler by Tony Frazer.

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Cover of Shearsman magazine issue 63 and 64

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