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British Poetry Titles: Authors M to P

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aonghas macneacail   beyond

Edited by Colin Bramwell & Gerda Stevenson

Published 2024. Paperback, 136pp, 9 x 6 ins, £12.95 / $20

ISBN 9781848619050 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

Aonghas Macneacail (1942–2022) originally intended for this book to signal his return to the literary sphere after a long convalescence. As his health declined, he was clearly comforted by the fact that this work would see the light of day: we talked together frequently about it, until he was unable to do so. He wanted this book to correct the perception of himself as a Gaelic writer, first and foremost. Gaelic was one of his three languages – Scots and English were the others. Before we started working on the book, I visited him to interview him about the project. We both agreed that a book of English-language work might have some public utility, as proof that Scottish writing is polyglot by nature. We thought that correcting the public perception of him as a Gaelic poet entirely would also be to correct perceptions of division in the language situation in Scotland more generally. Now that the process of putting this book together has come to an end, the truth of that feels clearer, to me. Aonghas’s work looks forward to a future where, as he puts it in ‘last night’, ‘my language [will] embrace / its sister tongue’. As with any bilingual poet, the point must be made: his English poetry drew from the same source as his Gaelic work. It is the intertwining of tongues which creates the tenor of the work. Aonghas’s famous poem ‘tha gàidhlig bheò’ (‘gaelic is alive’) ends with the following lines: ‘ach dèan dannsa dèan dannsa / `s e obair th`ann a bhith dannsa’. ‘be dancing be dancing / it is work to be dancing’. Of course the dance will require a partner. English was a partner-language to Aonghas’s Gaelic. Scots was another. This linguistic hybridity defines him, as much as it defines the general tenor of Scottish literature today. —from Colin Bramwell's introduction

aonghas macneacail - beyond

Robin Fulton Macpherson  Arrivals of Light

Published 2020. Paperback, 88pp, 8.5 x 5.5ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848617186 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

In the 1960s and 1970s Robin Fulton Macpherson was active in Scottish literary life as a poet, reviewer and editor. Since 1973 his home base has been in Norway and in the decades since he has built a solid reputation as a translator of Scandinavian poets, such as Tomas Tranströmer, Kjell Espmark and Harry Martinson from Swedish and Olav H. Hauge from Norwegian.

His A Northern Habitat: Collected Poems 1960-2010 (Marick Press, 2013) was described by Carol Rumens in The Guardian as "a major achievement, enriching the habitat of contemporary letters in our own archipelago and beyond",  while Peter M. McDonald, in Rain Taxi, felt certain that "A Northern Habitat will stand the test of time. It is arguably the most important book yet from a Scottish poet in this new millennium."
Robin Fulton Macpherson - Arrivals of Light

Robin Fulton Macpherson   Ancient Light

Published April 2023. Paperback, 88pp, 8.5 x 5.5 ins, £10.95 / $18

ISBN 9781848618701 [Download a sample PDF from this book here .]

In the 1960s and 1970s Robin Fulton Macpherson was active in Scottish literary life as a poet, reviewer and editor. Since 1973 his home base has been in Norway and in the decades since he has built a solid reputation as a translator of Scandinavian poets, such as Tomas Tranströmer, Kjell Espmark and Harry Martinson from Swedish and Olav H. Hauge from Norwegian. His A Northern Habitat: Collected Poems 1960–2010 (Marick Press, 2013) was described by Carol Rumens in The Guardian as “a major achievement, enriching the habitat of contemporary letters in our own archipelago and beyond.” John Glenday, in Northwords Now , referred to the book as “a real treasure of a collection, a weighty, important reminder that Fulton Macpherson is a prominent figure in Scottish poetry… His poetry is enduring as granite. It will weather well”, while Peter M. McDonald, in Rain Taxi , felt certain that “ A Northern Habitat will stand the test of time. It is arguably the most important book yet from a Scottish poet in this new millennium.”

Ancient Light is his third Shearsman collection, following 2020’s Arrivals of Light.

Robin Fulton Macpherson  - Ancient Light

Barry MacSweeney  Desire Lines: Unselected Poems 1966–2000

Edited by Luke Roberts.
Published 2018. Paperback, 348pp, 9 x 6ins, £16.95 / $25
ISBN 9781848615793 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

Desire Lines: Unselected Poems, 1966-2000 presents work drawn from across MacSweeney’s writing life, and brings almost 350 pages of MacSweeney’s poetry back into print. His prolific 1970s are represented here by eight complete sequences, including the previously unpublished long poems Toad Church and Pelt Feather Log. Drawing on archival resources and extensive bibliographic resources, Desire Lines collects the majority of MacSweeney’s poetry not included in Wolf Tongue. These unselected poems showcase the full range of his capabilities: from raw lyrical emotion to modernist fragmentation, from historical narrative to surreal invention and absurd humour. Including five unpublished poems from the 1980s – including the state-of-the-nation bulletin, 'Revulsion' and the tender, heartbroken ‘Soft Hail’ – MacSweeney’s essential contribution to modern poetry can be seen to its full extent. Alongside translations from the French of Guillaume Apollinaire, Desire Lines includes an introduction and notes on the texts by the editor.

Phil Maillard: Sweet Dust & Growling Lambs

Phil Maillard  Sweet Dust & Growling Lambs

Published 2008. Paperback, 148pp, 8.5x5.5ins, £12.95 / $20
ISBN 9781905700837 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

"Looking at this collection, Sweet Dust And Growling Lambs, I think I can perceive a few recurrent themes. The first relates to mythology, in a broad, story-telling kind of fashion. Of recent years, 'myths' have been regarded as universal, because archetypal, repositories of human experience. From there, it's a short step to the idea of 'fusion', of combining elements from different cultures in a single work. This is most familiar in music. In my poem The 'Confession' Of Gerald, for example, the Celtic story of Elidorus and his meeting with the fairy folk is developed by way of a Buddhist teaching story." (Phil Maillard)
Phil Maillard: Sweet Dust & Growling Lambs

D.S. Marriott  Hoodoo Voodoo

Published 2008. Paperback, 140pp, 9x6 ins. OUT OF PRINT.
ISBN 9781905700790

D.S. Marriott's second full-length collection, following Incognegro. With an introduction by Romana Huk, in which she says: "D.S. Marriott 'dares to dream' in this book . . . by refolding beautiful romantic lines… into new relation with the real that haunts him, which he attends through mourning and recasts in an art full of loss. These poems do indeed seem to 'contain the whole of death, even before / life has begun', but they engage no refusal, just the overturning of willful stasis and a lyric luring of the undone into poetic doing, to light. Hoodoo Voodoo's last section's dark streaming of figures through landscapes… I'm overwhelmed by the beauty that is this book."

D.S. Marriott: Hoodoo Voodoo

D.S. Marriott  The Bloods

Published 2011. Paperback, 138pp, 9x6ins, £12.95 / $20
ISBN 9781848611511 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

In The Bloods, his third poetry collection, D.S. Marriott's recurrent theme is that of memory and absence: 'bound to what is remembered/ what is absent'. In poems that both embody and inhabit this double obligation, memory and absence prove to be equally central to the mysteries of ordinary language, the politics and philosophy of enslavement, as well as markers—typographic, archival, ethical—respecting the borders of what cannot, finally, be known. Spare, lyrical, and deeply haunting, and yet not without irony or hope, The Bloods continues Marriott's pursuit of a style and concept of the poem that is strictly his own.
D.S. Marriott The Bloods

Lila Matsumoto  Urn & Drum

Published 2018. Paperback, 76pp, 8.5x5.5ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848615687 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

These poems usher you into an intimate cinema where Gertrude Stein kisses Patti Smith. Where a bird steps through the screen and becomes a girl, where a girl moulds a cock and becomes a city, where a city striated with cinema becomes a glacier, where a glacier sits in the red velvet seats and sees herself as a star. In her mind imagined films take flight, cast from salt and swans. Stepping out of the darkness, she trips into blackouts over lines scratched into celluloid. Wrought as and from fragments—coinages, echoes, attitudes, glimpses—these poems collage new ways (or waves) of seeing.
Sophie Mayer: Her Various Scalpels

Sophie Mayer  Her Various Scalpels

Published 2009. Paperback, 88pp, 8.5x5.5ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848610408 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

These poems usher you into an intimate cinema where Gertrude Stein kisses Patti Smith. Where a bird steps through the screen and becomes a girl, where a girl moulds a cock and becomes a city, where a city striated with cinema becomes a glacier, where a glacier sits in the red velvet seats and sees herself as a star. In her mind imagined films take flight, cast from salt and swans. Stepping out of the darkness, she trips into blackouts over lines scratched into celluloid. Wrought as and from fragments—coinages, echoes, attitudes, glimpses—these poems collage new ways (or waves) of seeing.
Sophie Mayer: Her Various Scalpels

Erica McAlpine The Country Gambler

Published 2016. Paperback, 82pp, 8.5 x 5.5ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848614819 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

In this accomplished first collection, Erica McAlpine draws truths from the everyday, meditating over contingency and luck and the often-vexed relationship we have to these things. The casual register of her verse belies its formal complexity. Many of the poems are crafted in tight syntactical units of just one or two sentences; others are composed in rhyming sapphics, a meter favoured by the poet Horace, whose guiding voice recurs throughout the collection. Humorous and serious in turn, these quietly virtuosic poems achieve lofty aims: to teach, to advise, to warn — to show, in the manner of a close friend, what the world has to offer, what it sometimes takes away, and what can and should matter most.
Erica McAlpine  The Country Gambler

Ruth McIlroy  The Pot of Earth and the Iron Pot

Published 2022. Paperback, 80pp, 9x6ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848618282  [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

Ruth McIlroy is a poet of the ‘tilting world’. Her lyrics are charged with immediacy and proceed off-kilter in the revelation of familiar experience as unfamiliar and normality as something quite other.   ere is much here, directly and indirectly, of heroic Gaelic song, both ancient and modern, conveying humour, darkness and arresting beauty executed with startling, sure-footed precision. Whether in lamentation, the conjuring of a curse or jogging in the park, in every mode the singer is possessed by the song. I once asked a Gaelic singer from the Isle of Lewis – What are you thinking about when you sing these songs? Oh the song mostly, the song, she said. Ruth McIlroy has this secret and doesn’t so much make it new as show us that it never grew old. At every turn in  The Pot of Earth and the Iron Pot song is happening not only in the trees but almost everywhere else too. —Kelvin Corcoran

Rosemarie Corlett - Flightless Bird

Anthony Mellors  The Lewknor Turn

Published 2013. Paperback, 108pp, 8.5x5.5ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848613089 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

Anthony Mellors' first collection in some years brings together a number of sequences, including the remarkable 'bent out of shape' and 'The Gordon Brown Sonnets', the latter extensively and puckishly annotated.

Anthony Mellors The Lewknor Turn

Anna Mendelssohn  I'm Working Here: The Collected Poems

Edited by Sara Crangle
Published 2020. Paperback, 780pp, 8.5 x 8.5ins, £45.00 / $70
ISBN 9781848617148 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

Born near Manchester in 1948, Anna Mendelssohn authored poetry, fiction, drama, and life writing; she was also a visual artist, musician, and translator. From 1971 to 1977 she served time at Holloway Prison in London due to her involvement in extreme leftist activism. From the early 1980s, Mendelssohn composed nineteen poetry collections and published in journals receptive to her experimental, charged lyrics. Her work appeared in seminal anthologies edited by Denise Riley, Iain Sinclair, and Rod Mengham & John Kinsella. Often situated within the British Poetry Revival, Mendelssohn retained a marginal, if constant, presence in the poetry community in Cambridge, England, where she lived from 1983 until her death in 2009. In 2010, her vast archive of writings and drawings was donated by her three children to Special Collections at the University of Sussex.
          Closely attuned to the fraught legacy of the female vanguard writer, as well as to disparities of class and race, her poems are impassioned, acute, probing, allusive, and unparalleled. Part aesthetic treatise (“a poem is not going to give precise directions”); part antipolitical manifesto (“the war is too close / for revolution to be understood”); part lament (“softly the sound of woe / gallops”); part celebration of the possibilities of poetic noise and possibility, replete with “scoopydoo sounds”, “night[s of] pouring gold”, and “high walk[s] into fantasy”, Mendelssohn’s writing resolutely resists containment or category. 
           This scholarly edition is the first replete collection of the poems Anna Mendelssohn published or prepared for circulation in her lifetime, often writing under the name Grace Lake.
Anna Mendelssohn - Collected Poems

George Messo  Entrances

Published 2006. Paperback 8x5ins, 83pp, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9780907562900 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

The author's second collection, Entrances is a remarkable follow-up to the highly-praised debut collection, From the Pine Observatory. As Peter Didsbury says of it: "It seems to me that Messo is somehow bringing a whole region and set of cultures back into the European sphere. Any book which so beautifully invents for us the Choruh River and eleventh-century Georgia is OK by me."

George Messo: Entrances

George Messo  Hearing Still

Published 2009. Paperback, 80pp, 8.5x5.5ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848610224 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

The Middle East, both real and imagined, forms the background against which George Messo's third collection, Hearing Still, shapes its recurring themes: silence, destruction, resistance, and endurance. The poems are, at times, as sparse as the landscapes they inhabit; fragile breaths quivering at the edge of worlds driven by catastrophe and restored by human dignity. Ranging through Turkey, Lebanon and Palestine, to the gravel deserts of Oman, and the desolate coastal plains of the Arabian Gulf, Messo's uniquely strange and illusive vision is at once mysterious and distressing.
George Messo: Hearing Still

George Messo  Violades & Appledown

Published 2012. Paperback, 80pp, 8.5x5.5ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848612648 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

And here, where forest entrails spill
into winter light, you find me, straying
out from the forest's dark memory…

Itinerant Hebrew poet David Vogel, Arctic explorer Samuel Hearne and surveyor David Thompson are among the lost voices re-presenced in George Messo's enigmatic new book, Violades & Appledown. Messo's vivid reinvention of history and tradition, passes through explorations of fractured time and the timelessness of memory into a powerfully realized present of ever changing perspectives, mindful of its journey out of the past.
George Messo Violades & Appledown

Christopher Middleton  Palavers & A Nocturnal Journal

Published 2004. Paperback, 151pp, 9x6ins. £12.95 / $20
ISBN 9780907562511 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

Christopher Middleton was one of the finest British poets of the post-War era and this volume presents the voice of the man behind a remarkable body of work, firstly talking to poet Marius Kociejowski, and then talking to himself – 18 months' worth of journal entries from the late 1990s, in which he muses on matters poetic, social, political. The book also includes an essay-memoir by Marius Kociejowski that traces the growth of his fascination with Middleton's art.

Christopher Middleton: Palavers & A Nocturnal Journal

Christopher Middleton  Poems 2006-2009

Published 2010. Paperback, 182pp, 9x6ins, £14.95. Not for sale in the USA.

ISBN 9781848611276 [Download a sample PDF from this book here .]

Christopher Middleton remained, in his eighties, a restless and inventive poet of the very first order. This volume contains three complete collections, and was the first to be published after the author's Collected Poems  appeared to considerable acclaim in 2008. The entire collection has since been reprinted in the author's Collected Later Poems (Carcanet Press).

"Middleton is amongst the most consistently inventive, original, and audacious of the so-called 'experimental' or 'innovative' poets of these past twenty-five years." —August Kleinzahler, Threepenny Review

Christopher Middleton Poems 2006-2009

Christopher Middleton  Serpentine

The Shearsman Library 3

Published 2018. Paperback, 120pp, 8.5 x 5.5ins, £12.95 / $20

ISBN 9781848615861 [Download a sample PDF from this book here .]

Serpentine was first published by Oasis Books in 1985 in a deliberately low-tech edition. Alas, it made little headway and the somewhat shoddy production almost certainly militated against its adoption by bookshops. It thus became Middleton’s “lost book”, although parts have been reprinted elsewhere. Subtitled (at least in the author’s correspondence, if not in the published edition) “prose pieces on the nature of evil”, the book shows Middleton at his playful, experimental best.

Christopher Middleton Poems 2006-2009

John Milbank The Dances of Albion

Published 2015. Paperback, 92pp, 8.5x5.5ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848613959 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

Of this collection, the author says: “Since I come from all over the island of Britain, it is to me my locality in the world, as much as it is my nation. Of the perplexing variety of this region, I try to make sense. Throughout the island I experience landscapes that tend to evaporate, mingling with myths that loom into a persistent reality. The resulting psychogeographies are for me many, though also problematically linked and integrated. This poetic sequence is written in the hope of a true unity of Britain yet to come.”
John Milbank  The Dances of Albion

John Milbank  Some Speaking Swirls

Published July 2023. Paperback, 88pp, 8.5 x 5.5 ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848618930 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

"The intersection of theology and poetry is a charged zone of encounter and, if I may say it, discipline. Yet there’s a generosity and a lightness to Milbank’s verse: a concinnity both with, and within the now, the lyric moment of generous apprehension, which aligns these taut lyrics with the sensibility of Traherne. 'Ripeness rustles,' but it is brightness that reigns here, among 'alien and yet familiar creatures,' a jackdaw, an escaped jaguar in a wood, a white cat in autumn, 'beech-mulch' that 'sings silently.' These radiant poems overflow with creation and gratitude." — G.C. Waldrep

John Milbank  - Some Speaking Swirls

David Miller  Afterword

Published 2022. Paperback, 106pp, 8.5 x 5.5ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848618046 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

Afterword is a long poem in fragments, with some long lines of poetry folded over, as it were, onto the next line(s) of the page, as in Walt Whitman, Carl Sandburg and Allen Ginsberg.

It is a long poem in fragments, but it might also be seen as a poem sequence: of memories and meditations, dreams and (for want of a better word) visions. It’s increasingly invaded by images of destruction and desolation: of nature, of animals, of humankind; with those images prefigured by the opening passages. 

At the end of the text, the negative emphasis is “turned” upon and against itself into the language of transition. It’s a poem that’s concerned with limits and the possible surpassing or exceeding of limits. 

David Miller - Afterword

David Miller  Reassembling Still — Collected Poems

Published 2014. Paperback, 318pp, 9x6ins, £16.95 / $25

ISBN 9781848613317 [Download a sample PDF from this book here .]

Comprising work from the early 1970s onwards, Reassembling Still is by far the largest and most comprehensive collection of David Miller’s poetry, and includes all of his poetry that he wishes to keep, with the exceptions of the ongoing Spiritual Letters project and his visual poems. 

David Miller  Reassembling Still - Collected Poems

David Miller  Spiritual Letters (Series 6)

Published 2015. Chapbook, 32pp, 8.5x5.5ins, £7.50 / $10.95

ISBN 9781848614550 [Download a sample PDF from this book here .]

“The word ‘spiritual’ is, in this volume, ripped away from the New Age and returned to its sources in Kabbalah and early Christian (gnostic) writings. But it carries with it the world as we have it now. A heap of horrors, remnants, a sense of the feminine under assault, and the drive to love. Therefore the dimensions are multiple and unstable. To be human is to be a spiritual entity more aligned with nature than with culture, and therefore to rebel. I am happy to have and to hold this book.” —Fanny Howe, on Series 1-5 of Spiritual Letters 

David Miller  Spiritual Letters (Series 6)

David Miller  The Waters of Marah. Selected Prose 1973-1995

Published 2005. Paperback, 113pp, 8.5x 5.5ins. £12.95

ISBN 9780907562665. Not for sale in North America.

The Waters of Marah brings together the best of David Miller's non-poetic output. The prose here however does include work that would be classified as prose-poetry in most quarters, as well as the longer work, Tesserae, which could be better described as experimental fiction. These pieces tend also to have verse interludes, which further confuses the definition of what category they actually belong to. In the end however, categories are irrelevant, and the work can be read on its own terms, be it prose, be it prose-poetry, be it fiction, be it poetry. This is musical work that explores the parameters of the sayable in a manner that does not repel the reader but rather draws him/her in as a participant in a remarkable enterprise.

David Miller: The Waters of Marah. Selected Prose 1973-1995

Geraldine Monk (ed.)  CUSP — Recollections of Poetry in Transition

Published 2012. Paperback, 244pp, 9x6ins, £14.95 / $23
ISBN 9781848612501 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

"This book is probably best described as a collective autobiography. With few exceptions the contributing poets write about their origins and influences and how they became involved in poetry. My main objective is to present the spirit of a brief era which, in retrospect, was exceptional in its momentum towards the democratisation and dissemination of poetry. The era or "cusp" I'm concentrating on is between World War II and the advent of the World Wide Web. Already extraordinary in its social, political and cultural upheaval, it seems even more heightened when set against the technological transformation which has since been unleashed."—from Geraldine Monk's introduction to this volume
Geraldine Monk (ed.) CUSP — Recollections of Poetry in Transition

Helen Moore  Hedge Fund

Published 2012. Paperback, 90pp, 8.5x5.5ins, £10.95 / $18

ISBN 9781848612013 [Download a sample PDF from this book here .]

"Like the vision it preserves and celebrates, the language of this collection draws its strength from a deep rootedness in the natural world. At once eulogist for all that sustains our life and elegist for all that we despoil, Helen Moore emerges in Hedge Fund as an urgent, compelling and compassionate voice for these critical times." —Lindsay Clarke

Helen Moore Hedge Fund

John Muckle  London Brakes — a novel

Published 2010. Paperback, 296pp, 8.5x5.5ins, £14.95 / $23
ISBN 9781848611016 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

Tony Guest is welcome wherever he goes—a motorcycle courier on a big bike, picking up and dropping all manner of urgent parcels, letters, and duly getting his dockets signed. In July he rides in a sweat bath, in February the rain is freezing needles, the roads of the West End are greasy with spilt diesel, glistening tracks of motorcyclists weaving through them like slug trails. But where is Tony going? What is contained in his ultimate mystery packet? What becomes of lost friendships? He chases his shadow-man through an illusory maze of skid pans, trick exits—the answer to every question he can frame seems to lie behind every locked door in London town. Set in the 1980s, London Brakes shows us an England of conflicting loyalties and low impostures—a city divided by inequality and opportunism: a place where forgetting is compulsory and paranoia is the outcome. Tony is determined to cut through it all to the truths of his life.
John Muckle London Brakes — a novel

John Muckle  My Pale Tulip — A Novel

Published 2012. Paperback, 228pp, 8.5x5.5ins, £14.95 / $23
ISBN 9781848612167 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

There wasn't much to do in the battered, half-forgotten seaside resort of Jaywick Sands, Essex—nothing really, except to listen to the North Sea pound against the sea-defences and wait for the next run-down holiday shack to go up like a barbeque torch. Lee and Will were an odd pair, deeply eccentric kids, living alone with their mothers and struggling through resit classes in college. But all that was to change on the day they kidnapped Charley Price in an old motor they'd just stolen, and made a heroic run with her for the ferry to the far land where the tulips grow.
      My Pale Tulip takes a scenic route across low countries to the beautiful cities of Delft and Utrecht—where darkness lies in ambush. It is a classic tale of flight and crash-landing: poignant, sharp-witted, with a voice all its own.
John Muckle My Pale Tulip — A Novel

John Muckle  Falling Through — a novel

Published 2017. Paperback, 232pp, 8.5 x 5.5ins, £14.95 / $23
ISBN 9781848615359 [Download a sample PDF from this book.]

Graham Bartlett is a private English tutor. He lives in North London and travels to meet numerous teenage clients. He is a lonely person, unable to find steady work, but does his best to survive and deliver sound lessons to a large number of youngsters, diving in and out of their homes with a battered satchel on his shoulder, glimpsing their families and backgrounds. Browsing the internet he discovers an unpleasant murder has occurred in the quiet suburban avenue where he grew up. The horrific discovery of a woman’s callously disposed-of body half-interests him whilst seeming to have little to do with his own life, apart from accidents of place and memory. Intertwined with his peripatetic journeys across a cityscape marked by recent riots are the stories of people he has known, or imagines, or has actual dealings with in the present. 
      Falling Through is a novel of encounters and evasions: north of the Thames, south of hell.
John Muckle   Falling Through — a novel

John Muckle  Late Driver

Published 2020. Paperback, 180pp, 9 x 6ins, £12.95 / $20
ISBN 9781848617308 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

Pauline is at the end of her life, wool-gathering in a chair, but simultaneously in her prime, driving between dress shops in her blue Opel Kadett; Eileen Platt, an American nurse, is stationed on a remote airfield – known as Mudville – in the Blackdown Hills, Devon, her duties to patch up returning aircrew of Liberator bombers. She doesn’t want to go home to Des Moines after the war. She wants to stay in England. 
          Near the old airfield a family play out their last moves in a place superficially unchanged, in a country whose old order is breaking up, slipping past proper recall. Richie’s rotting Jags and Daimlers no longer run; women still care for men, sometimes may be cared for in turn – but sometimes the cars may change without warning, and wasps swarm madly out of the jar.
          In stories varying in size and manner from a funeral eulogy to a compelling wartime romance, Late Driver tells of a number of surprising lives imagined in out of the way places; the mood is restless, probing, suffused with memories and loss – although some rivet-hole stars still let in the light of the young women who first punched them into an empty sky.

John Muckle  Late Driver

John Muckle  Little White Bull — British Fiction in the 50s and 60s

Published 2014. Paperback, 342pp, 9x6ins, £16.95 / $25
ISBN 9781848613058 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]
Little White Bull takes a fresh look at the times before the day before yesterday, not the end times but the new beginnings, and tries to show how British fiction grappled with subjects as thorny and diverse as the impact of mass immigration and a new kind of rootless working-class character uncontained by previous conceptions of him or herself, and apparently ready to go to war over them. This exciting and readable book presents the fifties and sixties as a crucible of new departures, asking what remains and continues from those decades into the cultural present. It takes the form of a series of thematic essays each of which discusses the work of an individual or group of novelists.
     Writers examined in this book are Paul Ableman, Brian Aldiss, Kingsley Amis, J.G. Ballard, Lynn Reid Banks, John Berger, John Braine, Angela Carter, Nell Dunn, Gillian Freeman, Barry Hines, B.S. Johnson, Doris Lessing, Colin Macinnes, Michael Moorcock, Iris Murdoch, V.S. Naipaul, Bill Naughton, Edna O’Brien, Harold Pinter, Samuel Selvon, Alan Sillitoe, David Storey, Jack Trevor Story, Leslie Thomas, Alexander Trocchi, John Wain, Keith Waterhouse, Raymond Williams and Colin Wilson.
John Muckle  Little White Bull — British Fiction in the 50s and 60s

John Muckle  Firewriting and other poems

Published 2005. Paperback, 130pp, 9x6ins. £12.95 / $20

ISBN 9780907562641 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

This first collection of John Muckle's poetry, written 1998-2004, begins with a sequence about working in Care Homes, continues with poems whose literary subject matter ranges from Nathaniel Hawthorne to Coleridge and Philip K. Dick, reflections on life, love and politics, and closes with 'Firewriting', a long poem which imagines that German-Jewish writer Walter Benjamin managed to escape over the Franco-Spanish border in 1940 and has ended up in contemporary London.

John Muckle: Firewriting and other poems

John Muckle   Mirrorball

Published 2018. Paperback, 98pp, 9 x 6ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848615977 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

What are those distorted smears of colour in the mirror ball? Are they people? Look closer. Yes. They are people. They are us. And there am I, a small pink smudge, an arched eyebrow … or perhaps not: retinal overload, a trick of the light. How do people make sense of themselves, and what do those splintered shafts of vari-coloured liquidity have to tell us about the skins they are bouncing off? Who knows. The speaker of these lines is himself caught up in the glare, garrulous in spite of the din. Mirrorball collects poems from 2004 to 2018. 

John Muckle  Mirrorball

Paschalis Nikolaou & John Z. Dillon (eds.) 
Richard Berengarten — A Portrait in Inter-Views  

Published 2017. Paperback, 204pp, 9 x 6ins, £14.95 / $23.00
ISBN 9781848615120 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

Spanning a period of fifteen years, these five ‘Inter-views’ with Richard Berengarten explore the many facets of his writings. Hospitably and expansively, they yield insights into the work of a poet of our time, his methods, motives, and patterns of thought.
     Based in dialogue, an interview is always a collaborative venture. It discovers difference and clarifies commonalities between writer and reader. By working closely together in composing, editing and revisiting transcripts for each interview, Richard Berengarten and his five interlocutors reveal the potential of the literary interview itself, as they articulate and test its reticent boundaries.
Paschalis Nikolaou & John Z. Dillon (eds.)  Richard Berengarten — A Portrait in Inter-Views

Eliza O'Toole   A Cranic of Ordinaries

Book preview

Published 2024. Paperback, 108pp, 9 x 6ins, £12.95 / $20

ISBN 9781848619272

This cranic, or skull, of ordinaries is a landscape well-known to poet Eliza O'Toole who has long tramped the Stour Valley on the Suffolk-Essex border with her dog Fin, nose-down tail-up, urging her on. In the muddy paint-water of John Constable and the rambling madness of John Clare, O'Toole takes her own step lightly into a calendar year of a landscape displaced. Chronicling the cycle of seasons, book-ended by (poisonous) aconites, these poems are decisive moments in time that mark life-death-decay, as a series of alternative, textual landscape paintings. At times raw, O'Toole points toward the corrosion of landscape rendered in words or oils by a masculine eye and the ironic subsequent degradation of this pastoral idyll by ongoing very real eco-losses and agri-changes. Yet, in elevating the landscape unto itself, a complex undergrowth of magnetic field work emerges and from that, the lithe 'isness' of place which never fully subscribes to human cartographics and which, in its fundament, will long outlast us.

Eliza O'Toole - A Cranic of Ordinaries

Douglas Oliver   Islands of  Voices — Selected Poems

Edited by Ian Brinton, with a Preface by Joe Luna.
Published 2020. Paperback, 198pp, 9 x 6ins, £14.95 / $23

ISBN 9781848617179 [Download a sample PDF from this book here .]

Douglas Oliver (1937–2000) was a poet with a substantial reputation in the late 1980s and 1990s, finding a larger audience for his socially-committed poetry in a way that no other of his poetic background had done, or perhaps wished to do. He left school early, worked for many years as a journalist, mostly in Cambridge, Paris, and Coventry, before attending the University of Essex as a mature student in the 1970s. In this period he was associated with the so-called Cambridge School of poetry, and his work was published by its representative publishers, Ferry Press and Grosseteste Review Editions. He subsequently lived in Paris, New York, and then again in Paris, usually working as a lecturer. He was the author of numerous books of poetry and prose, including Oppo Hectic , The Diagram Poems , The Harmless Building , The Infant and the Pearl , Kind Penniless Politics,   A Salvo for Africa , and the posthumous volumes,  Arrondissements and Whisper, Louise

Douglas Oliver - Islands of Voices. Selected Poems

Peter Oswald  Sonnets of various sizes

Published 2016. Paperback, 76pp, 8.5 x 5.5ins, £10.95 / $18

ISBN 9781848614925 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

Poet and dramatist Peter Oswald has been writing sonnets alongside his other work for the best part of thirty years. This volume brings a substantial selection of them together for the first time.

Peter Oswald  Sonnets of various sizes

Sonia Overall  The Art of Walking

Published 2015. Chapbook, 36pp, 8.5x5.5ins, £7.50 / $10.95

ISBN 9781848614482 [Download a sample PDF from this book here .]

Sonia Overall is a novelist, poet and lecturer based in Kent. The Art of Walking is a collection of responses to movement and place, reflecting the writer’s interest in the relationship between walking and creativity, self and setting.

Sonia Overall  The Art of Walking

Fani Papageorgiou  When You Said No, Did You Mean Never?

Published 2013. Paperback, 80pp, 8.5x5.5ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848612655 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

"Fani Papageorgiou gives us a poetry in which 'almost everything happens in language' yet what is crucial is precisely what's covered by that harsh little word 'almost,' and in which 'empty space is affected by gravity': the empty space is that of the human heart. This kaleidoscopic sequence of searing fragments marks the arrival of an outstanding poet." —Barry Schwabsky
Fani Papageorgiou When You Said No, Did You Mean Never?

Fani Papageorgiou  Not So Ill with You and Me

Published 2015. Paperback, 96pp, 8.5 x 5.5ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848614383 [Download a PDF of the introduction to this book here.]

Fani Papageorgiou’s collection When You Said No, Did You Mean Never? (Shearsman, 2013) won the Hong Kong Poetry Prize and has since been published in Spanish translation by Bartleby Editores, Madrid. Her poems and book reviews have appeared in various magazines in the USA and the UK.
Comments on the author’s previous collection:
“The poems are intense but enigmatic, as if they were seared in with a damaged branding iron. […] Fani Papageorgiou’s disconcerting and magnetic first book … reminds us (and as Dionne Warwick once observed), a house is not a home; it’s always just a little unfamiliar, just slightly beyond our easy occupation. Which is precisely what draws us to the door, to the briefly lighted windows.” —David Orr, New York Times Book Review
Fani Papageorgiou  Not So Ill with You and Me

Fani Papageorgiou  The Purloined Letter

Published 2017. Paperback, 82pp, 8.5 x 5.5ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848615649 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

"I like The Purloined Letter very much. It has a dolorous, stately, piercing, almost martial music, like an Elizabethan court dance or Miles Davis in his electric period. It's funny too."—Edwin Frank

Fani Papageorgiou  The Purloined Letter

Sandeep Parmar  The Marble Orchard

Published 2012. Paperback, 88pp, 9x6ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848612044 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

Sandeep Parmar's powerful debut collection, The Marble Orchard, steps boldly through the personal archive of family histories to art, literature and the imagined lives of modern and ancient heroines, from Mina Loy to Ovid's Heroides. Her experiments are set apart by their pure charge of language and textual silences, inherited from the distance between home, identity and memory.

Sandeep Parmar The Marble Orchard

Sandeep Parmar  Eidolon

Published 2015. Paperback, 72pp, 9x6ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848613928 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]
Winner of the Ledbury Forte Award for Best Second Collection.

Partly a modern revision of the Helen myth, Eidolon meditates on the visible and invisible forces of Western civilisation from classical antiquity to present-day America. An eidolon is an image, a ghost, a spectre, a scapegoat. It is a device, like deus ex machina, to deal with the problem of narrative, specifically Helen’s supposed deceit and infidelity. The Eidolon, as a device, is something beauteous and beguiling — as a thing, or as a preoccupation, it is the siren song to the poet who listens for silence. Who gives Helen her voice and what need unites it into a single, constant loathsome creature? Helen is as much the city of Troy as its famed plains and high walls. It might as well be Helen smouldering on the great pyre of defeat, even though she escapes unscathed in Homer’s Odyssey and is restored to her husband’s side by the eidolon’s unique guarantee of her chastity.
Sandeep Parmar  Eidolon

Sandeep Parmar  Faust

Published 2022. Paperback, 92pp, 9x6ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848618275  [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]
Poetry Book Society Choice, 3rd Quarter 2022.

Goethe’s version of the scholar’s fateful wager with Mephistopheles inspires the central sequence of Faust, mapped onto the figure of the migrant who flees a postcolonial legacy of fire, displacement and climate destruction for a life of eternal striving. As Parmar asks in 'The Winnowing Shovel': 'How is striving itself, as an idea built into literary models and real-life stereotypes of the good immigrant or the model minority, how might striving—in the Faustian sense—provide a way of thinking about heroism, tragedy (modern and ancient) and migratory grief? Who chooses to leave and why, who attempts to return, who stays on, who, to borrow from Bhanu Kapil’s image of reverse migration, is made psychotic in a national space, who is this hero who journeys, who strives and for what? To be visible or invisible? As others have looked to the Faust legend for ways to explore the insatiability of man’s appetites, the questions I put to Goethe’s version specifically bring together three strands: striving as a fear of and countermeasure against mortality; a critique of globalisation and technology; and the female element underlying male aggression, destruction and desire.' From Goethe to Elizabeth Bishop, Vivien Eliot to Winckelmann, Homer and Marilyn Monroe—Faust’s poems meditate on the accrual of loss and of the impossibility of home.

Rosemarie Corlett - Flightless Bird

Alasdair Paterson   Words of Mercury

Published 2024. Paperback, 78pp, 8.5 x 5.5ins, £10.95 / $18.

ISBN 9781848619067 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

In his fourth collection from Shearsman Books, Alasdair Paterson ranges as widely as ever – from the bewilderments of a Scottish childhood to the mixed messages of later life, from gnarly nature notes to an A-Z of lines salvaged from lost Russian novels. The spirit of Mercury – bringer of messages, patron of tricksters, keeper and crosser of boundaries – hovers invisibly and a tad unreliably overhead.

Alasdair Paterson - Words of Mercury

Alasdair Paterson  My My My Life

Published 2021. Paperback, 70pp, 8.5 x 5.5ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848617520 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

In My My My Life Alasdair Paterson treats us to a cornucopia of existential titbits, real or imaginary - from questions of pirate and Pictish identity to riffs on twilight and the twilight years, via an involuntary appearance in a Breughel painting, the poetic output of a mad king and dinner in a Titanic-themed restaurant. And much more…

"Beware, Mr Paterson! The Stornoway Puffin has its eye on you!"
Stornoway Puffin

Amit Chaudhuri - Ramanujan

Alasdair Paterson  Elsewhere or Thereabouts

Published 2014. Paperback, 86pp, 8.5x5.5ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848613270 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

From Troy to Arcadia, on the high road to elsewhere and the low road to thereabouts, boarding a ferry 'cross the Mersey and hiking the Jurassic Coast, skating away on Duddingston Loch and dynamiting the frozen rivers of Siberia, lured to the summit and drawn to the edge — Alasdair Paterson plots a course at the cruising speed of the flâneur through the ruins of empires, dreams and good intentions. Though pavement cafes still play a part…
Alasdair Paterson Elsewhere or Thereabouts

Alasdair Paterson  On the Governing of Empires

Published 2010. Paperback, 80pp, 8.5x5.5ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848611160 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

Finding Kristallnacht in an optician's chart, flushing heresy from a Michelin guide, procuring princesses courtesy of furnishings catalogues and constructing a guided tour of Bedlam from the names of British moths, Alasdair Paterson brings a Byzantine range of techniques — cut-and-mosaic, palimpsest dialectic, diplomatic transplant and induced mutation — to a series of innocent texts, most without a prior thought of poetry in their heads, to build an indispensible vademecum for the imperially and post-imperially inclined.
Alasdair Paterson On the Governing of Empires

Simon Perril  Archilochus on the Moon

Published 2013. Paperback, 96pp, 8.5x5.5ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848613065 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

Archilochus, ancient Greece's first lyric poet, was a soldier, part slave, part aristocrat, who took part in the earliest colonial expeditions. When Lycambes broke off the poet's engagement to his daughter Neobulé, legend has it that Archilochus wrote such scurrilous poems about the affair that the entire family committed suicide. Perril's Archilochus has been sent into exile to colonise the moon, that curator of lost objects and desires. This collection voices the ageing poet's dissection of hope and desire, and his meditation upon the body that barely houses them.
Simon Perril Archilochus on the Moon

Simon Perri  Beneath

Published 2015. Paperback, 82pp, 8.5 x 5.5ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848614406 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

Beneath is subtitled a “nekyiad”, and thus is a kind of sequel to Simon Perril’s extraordinary last collection, Archilochus on the Moon (2013). A nekyia (ἡ νέκυια) in Ancient Greece was a rite in which ghosts were called forth and questioned as to the future. The nekyia has long figured in literature, dating back to Book 11—itself known as the Nekyia in the classical era—of the Odyssey

Simon Perril  Beneath

Simon Perril   The Slip

Published 2020. Paperback, 98pp, 8.5 x 5.5ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848617216 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

The Slip is the final volume of Perril’s trilogy excavating the crime scene at the centre of archaic lyric. We can’t know whether ancient Greece’s first lyric poet Archilochus ‘really’ used his Iambic prowess to curse Lycambes’ family to its grave for a broken marriage oath. But neither can we doubt that his poetic legacy, in Antiquity and beyond, was a by-word for judgements over the acceptability, or otherwise, of indulgence in poetic harm; just as the literary form of Iambic he is famous for initiating is a locus of ethical crises. 
      The Slip is steeped in the animal fables within the surviving fragments of Archilochus, pre-Aesopical ainos that were likely stock elements of Iambic verse. Most famous are the sequence of fragments in which the fox recounts his revenge upon the eagle (widely regarded as code for Lycambes) who has betrayed their friendship by eating the vixen’s cubs. The fox curses the eagle and appeals to Zeus to intervene and bring justice to bear; the greedy eagle steals meat from a sacrificial altar only to have it burn down his nest and cause its young to fall out into the jaws of its vulpine rival.
      So, here are the last steps of the ‘wolf walker’ Lycambes, undergoing his curse in the Dog Days of summer on the cusp of following the death of his daughters with his own, and reminiscing. Central to this reminiscence are the early expeditions to colonise Thasos he undertook with Telesicles, Archilochus’s father, and that doubtless confirmed, if not established, the bond between the families that he shatters in breaking his oath. In pottery, the slip is a liquified suspension of clay in water and was painted onto the areas of ancient pots intended to emerge black in the firing process. Needless to say, notions of the slip also encompass all manner of acts of evasion, disguise, and the tying of a noose.
Simon Perril - The Slip

Simon Perril   Two Duets With Occasion

Book preview

Published 2024. Paperback, 118pp, 9 x 6ins, £12.95 / $20

ISBN 9781848619449

Simon Perril’s new collection gathers two discrete works:

‘45 Days in the Company of Robert Walser’ turns to the Swiss modernist as guide to the inner workings of educational workplaces, and the lived experience of them. Alchemy, according to Jung, was a quest for individuation. Inhabiting Walser’s pioneering absurdist work exploring a school for servants, Perril finds alarming parallels between the transformative ‘suffering’ of metals in their journey to a higher state, and contemporary workplace rhetorics of self-development and transformation. 

‘Sun Deck Set Cogitation’ collapses the boundaries between reading and writing by playing with two texts by anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss. The first is a forensically detailed moment by moment account of a sunset written in 1935 while en route from Marseilles to Brazil; the second his account of a 1941 voyage escaping occupied France alongside fellow refugee André Breton. As Perril explains, ‘I inhabited Lévi-Strauss’s text like it was a ship’s deck I was walking across or around.’ The poet takes impetus from an early epiphany Lévi-Strauss had looking at the formal intricacy and structural play of dandelion seed heads that give rise to other forms. His poetic ‘treatment’ of the source texts scatter and recombine word-seeds in surprising combinations: blowing on a seed-head and spreading palimpsestic filaments.

Simon Perril - Two Duets With Occasion

John Phillips   Language Being Time

Book preview

Published 2024. Paperback, 114pp, 8.5 x 5.5ins, £12.95 / $20

ISBN 9781848619463

“Some poets live deep back, quietly, in far places, still. I love the poetry of my friend, John Phillips. He is a master of the compressed, cut lyric.” —Kent Johnson

“John Phillips writes with a precision, balance & grace that calls to mind the very best of Louis Zukofsky’s short poems, or Creeley’s early period, or Lorine Niedecker’s work. At his best, Phillips is absolutely dazzling.” —Ron Silliman, on Language Is

John Phillips - Language Being Time

John Phillips  Shape of Faith

Published 2017. Paperback, 90pp, 9 x 6ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848615328 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

"Phillips would have us look no further than the poem itself for the primary matter of its own accordant recognition as fact. So that to write is to read ourselves into being alive in forms we have no further proof of than the act of the poem's own declaration."— Patrick James Dunagan

"At its best this is highly unusual, Spartan, thought-provoking, intelligent and subtly, quietly moving work." — David Miller 
John Phillips   Shape of Faith

Tom Phillips (ed.)  Peter Robinson: A Portrait of His Work

Published 2021. Paperback, 320pp, 9 x 6ins, £16.95 / $25
ISBN 9781848617445 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

This volume contains essays by Ian Brinton, Peter Carpenter, Tony Crowley, Martin Dodsworth, Andrew Houwen, Miki Iwata, James Peake, Piers Pennington, Tom Phillips, Adam Piette, Elaine Randell, Anna Saroldi, Matthew Sperling, and Alison Stone, which covers all aspects of Peter Robinson's literary output.

Tom Phillips (ed.) - Peter Robinson – A Portrait of His Work

Peter Philpott  Textual Possessions

Published 2004. Paperback, 9x6ins, 132pp, £12.95 / 20
ISBN 9780907562535 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

Textual Possessions is the first large collection by Peter Philpott for many years. This volume brings together three long sequences of poems: In the Present Historic Tense, An Encounter Upon the Beach at Minehead With the Prince of This World, and On Being Voiced. Peter Philpott is editor of the online poetry journal Great Works

Peter Philpott: Textual Possessions

Peter Philpott  Are we not drawn . . .

Published 2009. Paperback, 112pp, 8.5x5.5ins, £12.95 / $20

ISBN 9781848610248 [Download a sample PDF from this book here .]

Are We Not Drawn … takes off from a palindrome quoted in Anne Michael's novel, Fugitive Pieces: "Are we not drawn onward, we few, drawn onward to new era?" Drawn onward; but trapped in repetition and mirroring. The mirrors are now fractured: each line breaks under the strain, as voices and images pour in. Verbal repetitions, starting with the words of the palindrome, give some sorts of paths through, continually evolving and shifting. A work of naïve realism, then, capable of recording how gardenias, Inca mummies and the iron mines of West Somerset determine our days. Just listen to what you are being told…

Peter Philpott: Are we not drawn . . .

Peter Philpott  Ianthe Poems

Published 2015. Paperback, 72pp, 8.5 x 5.5ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848614178 [Download a PDF of the introduction to this book here.]

“Haunted by a phrase of Keston Sutherland’s, ‘The pressure to think and sing’, Peter Philpott’s lyrics on his granddaughter Ianthe read like the meditations of a slightly deranged but liberated Wordsworth, who has escaped onto the streets of the twenty-first century, not quite sure whether he is the grandfather or the grandchild. Full of grace and wonder, and a grasp of complex forms which have been chewed carefully before being spat out again, this is poetry of the highest order, proving without question that there are no ideas but in sings.” —Philip Terry 
Peter Philpott  Ianthe Poems

Frances Presley  Collected Poems, Volume 1 — 1973–2004

Published 2022. Paperback, 346pp, 9 x 6ins, £16.95 / US$27. 
ISBN 9781848618114 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

The first volume of Frances Presley’s Collected Poems, 1973 to 2004, provides an important overview of her earlier life and poetic development. She experiments with modern and postmodern poetry and prose, projects and collaborations, sometimes associated with the new British poetry. Her feminism and political commitment are sharply defined, alongside a growing concern for ecology. It includes The Sex of Art, Hula Hoop, Linocut and Somerset Letters, as well as her collaborations, with artist Irma Irsara, on women’s clothing, Automatic Cross Stitch, and with poet Elizabeth James, Neither the One nor the Other. It supersedes and expands her selected poems, Paravane (2004) and Myne (2006).

Frances Presley - Collected Poems, Volume 1

Frances Presley  Collected Poems, Volume 2 — 2004–2020

Published 2022. Paperback, 464pp, 9 x 6ins, £19.95 / US$32. 
ISBN 9781848618121 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

The second volume of Frances Presley’s Collected Poems, 2004 to 2020, brings together a distinctive body of work, representing a major achievement in modern and postmodern poetry and prose, projects and collaborations. Feminism and political commitment are still evident, but ecology and ecopoetics are foregrounded. It includes Stone Settings and Longstones which explores Neolithic stones on Exmoor, in collaboration with visual poet Tilla Brading; the playful An Alphabet for Alina, with artist Peterjon Skelt; as well Halse for Hazel, which received an Arts Council award; and the Ada Lovelace project, Ada Unseen. There is also a new sequence, Channels, on shorelines and parallel coasts.

Frances Presley - Collected Poems, Volume 2

Frances Presley  Ada Unseen

Published 2019. Paperback, 116pp, 9 x 6ins, £12.95 / $20

ISBN 9781848616639 [Download a sample PDF from this book here .]

‘Mathematical Science is the language of the unseen relations between things’, wrote Ada Lovelace, mathematician and computer visionary. She had a home on Exmoor and this landscape is reimagined through a combination of science and poetics, also part of a collaboration with visual poet Tilla Brading, ADADA:landescape . Ada loved birds, especially song birds, and studied the theory of flight. In a series of poems about birds and flight some are designed like punch cards to isolate key words and create an alternative text for a woman’s life. The third sequence explores, through a 21st century lens, various aspects of the ’unseen’ which were of interest to Ada: these include the human body, computing, music, the imaginary, and dark matter. There is also an internet cut up and paste on the word ‘Ada’ and copious Notes. 

Frances Presley  - Ada Unseen

Frances Presley  The Sex of Art

The Shearsman Library 7
Published 2018. Paperback, 92pp, 8.5 x 5.5ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848615946 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

The Sex of Art was Frances Presley’s first collection, from 1985. Although much of it has reappeared in other guises, in Paravane and also in Shearsman’s own Myne (2006), the entire book has not been republished and its structure — mixing prose and poetry freely — is unclear if one does not see as it was originally conceived. This edition gives the work a little more air than in the original — avoiding run-on texts — but is otherwise unchanged.

Frances Presley  halse for hazel

Frances Presley  halse for hazel

Published 2014. Paperback, 104pp, 9x6ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848613409 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

Halse is Exmoor dialect for hazel, as transcribed by local historian Hazel Eardley-Wilmot: a convergence of names which initiates a new poetic syntax of marginal trees and tongues. Halse for hazel has three sections, Halse, Col and Hassel: alternate and playful names for hazel, which map wide ranging geographic and linguistic areas, as well as political and environmental pressures. Halse begins with Exmoor tree names and ends with Lorna Doone, while Col moves from an irreverent Celtic tree alphabet to Atlantic woods in Scotland where hazel dominates. Hassel takes us from the devastation of Oak Change, after WWI, to the naming of hidden whitebeams in Avon Gorge. Much of Halse for hazel, like Presley’s earlier sequences, Myne and Lines of sight, is ‘blind writing’, when the eye and mind focus on the landscape rather than the page, although what we see and how we see are more at risk. The visual design of the text is shaped by the language of trees and their strange physical evolution, in dialogue with the images of Irma Irsara. The book also contains a recent collaboration with American poet and artist Julia Cohen, commissioned for Likestarlings.
Frances Presley  halse for hazel

Frances Presley  Lines of sight

Published 2009. Paperback, 116pp, 9x6ins, £12.95 / $20

ISBN 9781848610392 [Download a sample PDF from this book here .]

Frances Presley's Lines of sight brings together all her poems from 'Stone settings and longstones', a sequence framed by the Neolithic stone monuments on Exmoor. The poems reflect the fragile, elusive and even disputed existence of these sites, as well as the enduring landscape which surrounds them. They reveal, too, more recent layers of history, and the creation of new stone settings. The writings of a local woman archaeologist are also a source of rediscovery and radical realignment. This sequence is part of a collaboration and performance with Tilla Brading.

      Other monuments are engaged with in 'Female figures'. These are the rare statues of women in public spaces. The figures chosen are Queen Anne, Margaret Thatcher and Julian of Norwich, along with the spaces they overlook. The final poetic sequence 'The first book of her life', includes a meditation on the war experiences of Frances Presley's mother, and creatively rereads an old Dutch dictionary and primer, in a search for origins of identity and language.

Frances Presley: Lines of sight

Frances Presley  Myne: New & Selected Poems & Prose 1976-2005

Published 2006. Paperback, 9x6ins, 200pp. OUT OF PRINT.
ISBN 9780907562535 

Myne is a survey of Frances Presley's career to date, as well as a new collection of her poems. It begins with two recent cycles: the title sequence inspired by the Somerset landscape, and 'Stone Settings', which retraces the enigmatic patterns of prehistoric stones on Exmoor. Also here are the entire Somerset Letters, and Linocut, both originally published by Oasis Books, plus substantial selections from the author’s first two books, The Sex of Art and Hula Hoop.

Frances Presley: Myne: New & Selected Poems & Prose 1976-2005

J.H. Prynne  Or Scissel

Published 2018. Chapbook, 38pp, 8.5 x 5.5ins, £7.50 / $10.95

ISBN 9781848616219

This most recent experiment with words on the page continues the duet-passagebetween J.H. Prynne and the possibilities of lyrical transformation,subsequent eventually to Poems (Bloodaxe, 2015).

J.H.  Prynne  Or Scissel

J.H. Prynne  Whitman and Truth

Published 2022. Chapbook, 24pp, 8.5 x 5.5ins, £7.50 / $10.95

ISBN 9781848617926

Whitman and Truth is a set of reading notes intended to introduce third-year university students to Whitman’s reading of war, with enlightening comparisons offered from the work Susan Sontag, Sir Philip Sidney, Mo Yan, Edmund Blunden, and others.

J.H. Prynne - Whitman and Truth

J.H. Prynne, John James, Andrew Crozier  Three Books

Published 2021. Paperback, 88pp, 9 x 6ins, £10.95 / $18
ISBN 9781848617421 [Download a sample PDF from this book here.]

In 1975 J.H. Prynne published High Pink on Chrome. The publication was to be avidly devoured by his admirers and fellow poets. Prynne’s example loomed large, especially in Cambridge, and John James and Andrew Crozier would both often respond to his work. Later in 1975, John James published Striking the Pavilion of Zero, which references Prynne, and then, three years later, Andrew Crozier published High Zero, the title of which references, and responds to, both of the preceding books — in this case, the connection goes even further, with the first poem in the book being based on the final poem in Prynne’s collection, and the last poem being based on the first poem in the James collection. 

This unusual compendium volume gives readers a chance to look in on this cardinal moment in radical English poetry, and see the connections at work. The sequences can be read in the various collected editions of the three poets, but the limited-edition originals are long out of print. Here the poems are presented together and afresh in the original context of their first grace and audacity.

Prynne, James, Crozier - Three Books

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