Shearsman Magazine

Shearsman Magazine


Shearsman magazine was founded in 1981 and ran for two years before being folded into the London-based magazine Ninth Decade (later Tenth Decade ), together with Oasis and Atlantic Review . The second series of Shearsman began in 1991, in a pamphlet format, and ran roughly quarterly until early 2005, when the format changed again to a half-yearly paperback book—the current issue is shown on the right of your screen. Further details of this history can be found by clicking on "About" in the ribbon menu at the top of this page. Issues 50–66 are also available on this site as PDF downloads, and are replicas of the print versions of the magazine. With effect from issue 63/64, only a sample of the contents of each issue—now much larger, with a length of around 100 pages—has been made available online, often within a year or two of print publication. Issues appear in print in April and October of each year. The intention is always to be two or three (double) issues in arrears with the PDF sampler versions. 

Subscription information is here.

The Poetry Library of Great Britain—based on the 5th floor of London's Royal Festival Hall—has a website featuring selected British magazines; their selection includes digitised versions of the six journal issues of Shearsman 's first series, as well as the first ten issues from the current series. Edinburgh's Scottish Poetry Library also carries physical copies of the magazine.

Samples from many back issues are available as free PDF files, from the Back Issues and Older Back Issues pages 

Shearsman magazine 139 & 140

Number 143 & 144 is the latest issue of the magazine, published in April 2025.

100pp, paperback, 8.5 x 5.5ins. ISBN 978-1-84861-978-4. £9.95 / $17.
Issue 143 & 144 will appear in April 2025.

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