Paperback, 88pp, 8.5x5.5ins
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, Nancy Kuhl’s second full-length collection explores the haunted languages of desire, sexuality, and fertility, erupting between choosing and not choosing motherhood. A series of poems, fragments, short prose pieces, and fractured nursery rhymes, Suspend inhabits the sexual and syntactic tensions that form not only in dreams and hidden corners of the unconscious, but within domestic spaces as well. The power of Suspend
comes from its commitment to image and lyricism as means to engage conflicting internal forces, fraught historical circumstance, and their inevitable intersection — "the needle / the eye the pierce and stick the single / spot of red the smear and blur and // this moment this pinhole / the whole thing passes through."
"Wide awake and unruly, Suspend is saturated with acts of revelation and risk. The body can be 'laid open like a book,' but words also perform their own physiology, and the alphabet keeps time like the calling of stops on a train. Pushed ahead by narrative momentum and pulled back, suspended, by contemplation, recollection, and the dizzying potential of human will and desire, these poems possess a vibrantly lived verbal energy. In the articulation of such powerful tensions, one begins to believe that our programming can be undone, the calendar rewritten, the train diverted to new destinations." —Elizabeth Willis
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