Paperback, 80pp, 8.5x5.5ins
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Translated from Galician by Helena Miguélez-Carballeira.
María do Cebreiro is a widely-acclaimed Galician-language poet and critical theorist. Her published poetic works include — O estadio do espello [The Mirror Stage] (1998), Nos, as inadaptadas [Us, the Maladapted] (2002), Non queres que o poema te coneza [You don't want the poem to know you] (2004), Os hemisferios [Hemispheres] (2006), Cuarto de outono [Autumn Room] (2008) and Non son de aqui [I am not from here] (2008). As an academic she has published As antoloxias de poesia en Galicia e Cataluna — representacion poetica e ficcion loxica (2004), As terceiras mulleres (2005), and a variety of articles where new theoretical perspectives for contemporary Galician studies are explored. In March 2008 she was invited by the Centre for Galician Studies in Wales to be the first Galician Writer in Residence at Bangor University. Some of the poems included in this book were first written during the author's stay in North-Wales, where her translator, Helena Miguélez-Carballeira, also lives and works.
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