Photo of Andrew Cozier (left) by David James. Allen Fisher is on the right.
Andrew Crozier (1943-2008) was educated at Dulwich College and Christ’s College, Cambridge. In 1964, the same year in which he founded the Ferry Press, he was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the State University of New York, Buffalo, where he was taught by Charles Olson and made contact with the almost-forgotten poet Carl Rakosi, prompting Rakosi’s return to writing. In 1998, Crozier published an edition of Rakosi’s early poems.
Crozier’s first collection, Loved Litter of Time Spent
(1967), was published while he was in the United States. On his return to England, he studied for a PhD at the University of Essex under Donald Davie, before taking up a post at the University of Sussex in 1973, where he remained until his retirement as Professor of English in 2005. He founded two journals, The English Intelligencer
and the Wivenhoe Park Review
, later the Park Review
, while continuing to publish his own and others’ poetry in Ferry Press editions. He wrote extensive literary criticism and in 1987 co-edited the influential anthology A Various Art
, published by Carcanet Press. His collected poems were published in 1985 with the title All Where Each Is
(Allardyce, Barnett), and An Andrew Crozier Reader
, edited by Ian Brinton and including both prose and poetry, was published by Carcanet Press in 2012.