Shearsman NEWS

Extensive review of Elaine Randell's Collected on Ira Lightman substack — click on the cover below

By Tony Frazer February 26, 2025
This reading takes place at Swedenborg Hall, 20/21 Bloomsbury Way, London WC1A 2TH. (See map here .) Admission is free. Gëzim Hajdari will be officially launching his Selected Poems in English. Also appearing is Carol Watts, reading from her 2024 Shearsman volume, Mimic Pond , for which we did not manage to have an official launch last year.
By Tony Frazer February 20, 2025
2nd edition of Skyquake now availabl
By Tony Frazer October 3, 2024
Come and see us at Conway Hall.
By Tony Frazer October 3, 2024
This is our second time at the LSBZF, and this time in a larger and more accessible venue, in Conway Hall, Bloomsbury. Given our large Spanish and Latin American list, the majority of which is bilingual, we fit right in. Come and see us there.
By Tony Frazer September 26, 2024
Tuesday 8 October 2024, 7:30pm, Swedenborg Hall, Bloomsbury, London. Admission free. Map here .
By Tony Frazer September 19, 2024
Aonghas Macneacail's beyond (bottom row, left) and Em Strang's Firebird (bottom row, right) have both made it onto the longlist for Scottish Poetry Book of the Year, 2024. The shortlist will be announced at the end of October. Fingers crossed !
By Tony Frazer August 16, 2023
These titles have been in preparation for what seems like a long time, but, finally, I'm confident enough to announce that Adverse Winds (Vientos contrarios, 1926) will appear in September 2023; Satyr, or The Power of Words (Sátiro, o el poder de palabras, 1939) will appear in October 2023; and, Seeing and Touching (Ver y palpar, 1941) will at long last appear in November. The first two are already with the printer, and I'm sure the final volume will get there in time for publication in November. These books have taken a long time to come to fruition, Adverse Winds being some 2 years late, and Seeing and Touching perhaps 18 months late. They've been tough to get right (or right enough ). I was unsure about publishing Satyr in this series at all, until I realised that my version was quite presentable, and that the book's links to the rest of the author's work made it a good thing to include. I've played around with translations of some of the other prose volumes by Huidobro, especially Papa, o el diario de Alicia Mir (1934), but that has so far resisted completion and is of more biographical, than literary interest. With these three volumes almost ready to face the world, I will be returning to try to complete work on Last Poems (1948), which contains some very important poems. I'm adding the author's final interview to that volume too. I'd like to get the Painted Poems out in 2024 also, but it depends on whether I can obtain some extra images, and, crucially, permissions. A version of the book already exists, but I would like it to be more comprehensive. The final volume currently in the draft stage—and it's at a very early stage—is the Uncollected Poems , mopping up all the author's occasional and political verses. I've tended to work on these books concurrently, moving onto another when I get too bogged down with one of them. I find that time away, and engagement with other works by the same author, helps the process. The keen observer of this series will note that Altazor has not been included—by common consent the author's magnum opus. That's because it has defeated me completely. Well, about 8 pages of it have defeated me, and there's no solution in sight. I may see if someone else can take it on, but, in any event, Eliot Weinberger's magisterial version is already available from Wesleyan University Press, and WUP seems disposed to keeping it print. Tony Frazer
A book called the slowing ride will stone by david herd
By Tony Frazer May 27, 2022
The next Shearsman reading features David Herd and Will Stone, and takes place on Tuesday 14 June, 7:30pm, at Swedenborg Hall, Bloomsbury, London. (The Hall entrance is on Barter Street, just behind the Swedenborg Society shop.) David is launching his new collection, Walk Song , and we also catch up with Will Stone, reading from The Slowing Ride , which appeared during one of the lockdowns. Admission free.
A book titled the radiance of things by mercedes rolle
By Tony Frazer April 5, 2022
Go to the eBooks page here .
By Tony Frazer March 24, 2020
This blog rarely gets used, but in strange times, all avenues of communication need to be employed. The book above, Molly Vogel's Florilegium has just appeared, albeit not at the most auspicious time, especially for a first collection. Would all customers and interested parties please note that we are still able to supply books at present, and will do so as long as the post offices are open — although our local one was closed yesterday, it must be said. We do have other options not too far away, however, and the usual online suspects (plus some enterprising indie stores) are doing their best to keep supply lines open. As long as Royal Mail, and the courier services, are functioning (fingers crossed...) we will try to keep supplying books but, in line with official guidance, we will keep trips out to a minimum. For anyone trying to find our titles on, there is a major problem at the moment — one we're trying to solve — but is fine. For the time being, US buyers are recommended to use SPD for any titles by US and Latin American authors, and Barnes and Noble online for the whole list. Unless things change again, we expect to be able to send out Shearsman magazine in April, as our printer seems still be able to deliver to us. We're not sure how international mail will be affected at this stage, but there may well be a problem with some destinations. Stay well, everyone.
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